Monday, 25 June 2018

Training weeks are full of adventures and experiences

I would like to write about interesting training weeks that we had so far within INFRASTAR
We had our Third training week recently at Aalborg University, Denmark, and we performed the previous ones at EPFL (Lausanne, Switzerland) and BAM (Berlin, Germany). 

Apart from the lessons that I have received during our training weeks in different areas of engineering and career development, having the opportunity to visit different labs, structures, materials, and advance technologies in civil engineering domain, gave a me a great insight and experience about what I am currently doing. 

We had our first training week in BAM, Berlin, which is the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing in Germany. During this training week, we visited their testing laboratory for concrete structures. They are developing some new tools and methods of none-destructive testing for concrete structures, and we had the chance to get familiar and work with some of their sensors during our visit. 

During the second training week in EPFL (École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne), we had the chance to get familiar with a new type of material for construction that is a relative of concrete with different properties and it is called UHPFRC (Ultra-High Performance Fibre Reinforced Concrete). We also visited some structures that have already been built using this new type of concrete. 

Finally, we have visited a testing wind farm in Aalborg within our third training week in Aalborg University. Since I was always interested in renewable energy and sustainable development, It was the most amazing experience for me among all visits that I have had so far. We could learn about the recent technologies in the area of wind energy and see some of them working in the wind farm. 

In the end I would like to thank my program (INFRASTAR) that has provided us this amazing training in different and interesting places. 

Thanks a lot for reading this post, 

Training week 1, BAM 

Training week 2, EPFL

Training week 3, Aalborg

1 comment:

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